Saturday, December 27, 2014

Day 355.77

I suppose it is that time of year.

You know, the rite of the resolution.

When we select something important and give it half our attention and effort for about two weeks.

I am as guilty as anyone.

This is what my typical New Years resolution looks like:

"I will give my best effort to achieving my training and racing goals
." Or,

"I won't eat crap." Or,

"I will not drink before the sun has set." Or,

"I will not be an asshole more than twice a day." Or,

"I will get a real job." Or,

"I will read, paint, compose, write, edit, produce more." Or,

"I will put into my savings account 20% of every penny I make."

Does any of that sound familiar? You too?

Hey, at least this time last year, I put foot directly in mouth pledging to make a blog post every day! Remember that? I sure as heck do.

But let's take a quick look at why (almost) all of the above fail year after year.


I think this year I will resolve to follow the advice I heard in spin class this morning. Went something like this: The way to know if you are doing your best is to synergize mind and body. Once accomplished, your soul, spirit and passion will tell you if this (whatever it is) is your best or a cheap imitation.

I want to do my best. My best everything. Start to finish, day in and day out.

How is that for a outrageously unachievable, undefinable and subjective, obscure and untraceable bit of muddied tripe?

Yeah, I like it too.

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