Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day 334.55, Play Ball

One of the things I like most about being on the road, as compared to simple travel (there is a HUGE difference) is the time dedicated to 'nothing'. The Italians call it dolce far ninete (the sweetness of doing nothing.)

When I am working, on assignment, the days can be maxed with logistics and pre-event intel. Many times I have had to scramble just to get in a meal en route back to the motel for some valuable shut-eye. Sometimes there is no meal, sometimes no motel.

Despite these realities of the road, I try whenever possible to do three things, usually on my last day:

1) See (video or photograph) one of the signature, non athletic, highlights of the town, city or locale.

2) Get in a run or hike,

3) Build in some time to write.

Many times the latter has suffered at the expense of the former. Because I can usually always write on the flight, although even that is getting squeezed along with leg room.

To illustrate, on one of my trips this year I had an hour before check-out. Bags already packed, I snatched a pen and note paper from my Days Inn (Best Ideas Under the Sun®) desk and jotted a few notes. Not even notes, more concepts. Maybe it was an outline, random thoughts or a to-do list, don't recall, but just now I went searching for an external hard drive and found this memo (to self?) in my carry-on bag. It has been in storage for a while.

In case you can't decipher the notes from the photo, here is the line-up for today's game:

Fun - wonder

Let's play ball.  How I long for a road game.

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