Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 341.61, an Idea

I had a great idea today. At least it took some form today because I think it really started last night as I laid, perplexed, wondering about the future.

The subconscious took it from there and I awoke with the outline of a plan lingering like a thick fog.

I am making coffee and the fog lifts enough for me to catch a glimpse.

Everything stops. I look, listen, smell the coffee, closed my eyes and see it.

Clear as crystal.

Putting practice into play I go scrambling for my paper and pen. Write it down!

I jot ten lines of notes in shorthand to ensure creative compliance, then start to add a few real-time bells and whistles.

I go back to the coffee and consider that all good ideas are separated from great ones by simply the act of putting them into action, or not.

One can have the best idea in the long history of ideas, but not act upon them, thereby negating their value, or, one can trust the cosmos, eliminate the incessant second-guessing and get to work.

Why is this such a difficult task? Fear of failure maybe. Low self-esteem, distraction, real life commitments? Do I want an excuse or a result?

I am sipping the coffee again and pondering the possibilities.

Somehow this coffee, the absolute cheapest I could find, tastes like the double espressos I used to sip in Italy on chilly December mornings.

I have created an emotion, a memory that serves my spirit. It is good and I am energized. This spills out into every movement and motion. I am literally dancing as I vacuum the floor and make the bed. Brushing my teeth in 4/4 time.

It is just an idea. It may not work.

But we are going to try.

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