Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day 6.171 Hang Ten

"We can't control the waves, but…
…we can become better surfers."

Dan Millman

"I have had many troubles in my life…
most of them never happened."

Mark Twain

Both of these juicy quotes, found in Dan Millman's TED presentation, I borrowed for effect. They each sum an important component with which we tap dance around on a daily basis.

Especially in our training. Ask the question now - why do we train?

To get better?
To get stronger?
To get faster?
To go longer?
To enhance our QOL?
To control our BMI?

Doesn't it follow that we should respect the time and effort we have made to merely show up and wring every last ounce of value from what we do?

That is the mental half. The body half is easy. We know we need to work, to move, to compete. We all WANT to get better, but many of us have yet to understand the power in the unity of mind and body in training. If you REALLY want to improve, this is a crucial moment. This NOW. The HERE. In order to reach your goals, obtain your potential and achieve your desired results, one must, pardon the cliche, put it all together.

We can't control the waves as we can't control the wind, or rain, of the placement of hills, or the way others respond to the same stimuli or circumstance. But we can control our readiness, the way we prepare and the manner in which we deal with change, challenge and adversity. I think this is what Dan was speaking of.

The same way that Mr. Twain suggests that most, if not all, of our failures are located inside the wig holder. We make this negative shit up. We set ourselves up for defeat before we even take the field. We create mental problems where there are none. The reality is this, we can handle the present moment. There is no time in now. Not one past failure, embarrassment or regret. Nothing in the future to paralyze, intimidate of scare.

With effort and with focus and with a lot of practice, we can get to this apex, the top of the hill, our true potential of magnificence and power.

Dan knows it, Mark knew it and you know it.

So do it. Hang ten.

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