Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 4.114 Don't Worry Baby

I am not sure I can adequately re-tell this trivial event that took place Monday. But I will try.

I was given the opportunity to replace a cancellation at UW Medicine. This was a follow-on to my ER visit the Friday before. I was to meet with the head Cardiologist and two fellows. It was for 0830, meaning I had to jump through a few fire hoops to get there.

Taking great pride in my ability to mix minimum cost with maximum efficiency here is how it worked, all this a testimony to the power of community.

Monday, 0430. I wake before the alarm and prep for spin class. 0530-0630 Rock and Roll in the saddle. I had announced to the group that we would be breaking with convention this one day only as I HAD to be aboard the 0705 ferry to Seattle. I 'take' a five minute shower and Gabi at the front desk has my coffee ready and like an expert aid station volunteer hands it off to me on the fly. We spill nary a drop of the hot drip. Speeding down the highway I make a field decision not to park at RGs and trot to the boat, but instead to park in the four hour spots much closer. I will probably get a parking ticket for this but I can't take the chance of missing the sailing and besides my right hamstring is cramping.

I meet Rob in the galley with two minutes to spare. Rob has offered to drop me off on his way to work. He is a hotshot at Amazon and shows up when he feels like it, a situation I am sure is a non-issue with Mr Bezos.

By the time I get into the examination room I am a little gassed. I am greeted by a nurse, a tech, a specialist and the fellow. THIS IS ALL ABOUT ME, wow. I tell my pathetic story and sit waiting for Dr. Stewart the head of Cardiology. He is a busy guy. As I wait the only magazine available is Glamour, so I pull out my iPhone to test the new earbuds.

First song up from shuffle play is the Beach Boys. I am listening to Don't Worry Baby, hearing vocals, harmony and stereo mix like never before. Please remember that I have heard this beautiful song maybe a million times since it was released in 1964. It is so pure and serene that I fall deep into a peaceful sleep (on the beach in the sunshine).

I am startled awake by the doctors, who are both smiling down at me as I sit and snooze, the gloriousness of the music still caressing my soul.

I felt stupid and embarrassed. But they smile and nod. I think they knew what was happening. I was in a totally relaxed state. Somewhere I haven't been in a LONG time.

I tell them my story. They refer to notes. We run some tests. I get referred to two other departments for further testing. I feel better already, and prepare for the return trip home and most likely to face the parking ticket music.

I have been gone for well over twice the parking limit. I have already concocted my story to tell the judge. (Went in for a routine check up and got admitted).

I get back to the truck.

No ticket.

I put the earbuds back in.

Don't Worry Baby everything will work out alright.

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