Thursday, November 27, 2014

Day 327.48, Thanks

Ranking highly atop the plethora of things for which I am grateful are the following:

My health. I know, I know, it isn't perfect, not what it once was, and has brought me to poverty's door, but for what I have I am thankful. It could always be worse.

My happiness. We have discussed this a lot. My goal has been, for quite a while now, to be happy no matter what. Yes, I have been tested on this of late. Test away Universe!

My friends. I love my friends so much that sometimes it hurts. My real friends, the ones the step up when I need a favor. Or even when I need one to share a beer with and listen to my woeful tale of disaster narrowly averted.

Laughter. I just can't visualize anything other. There is so much joy to be experienced. Every day I find something that makes me smile. And that smile is laughter's immediate predecessor.

The natural beauty of our surroundings. Sometimes it is just WOW. The sunsets, snow on the mountains, old growth forests, deer crossing the road, the sea and the sound. Being it only the end of November, I can say it now (but probably not in two months) that I love the rain.

My family. Mom died a long time ago, eighteen years. Over that time the rest of us, my two brothers, three sisters, Dad (celebrating number 82 today) and the ever increasing niece and nephew population, have stayed relatively healthy and relatively trouble free. Both the relatives (used as pun) have had their ups and downs, but we are still here. Always a good place to start.

My teammates. We get after it. This one shares a lot with the friends category but there are the same subtleties with quality of friends as with quality of teammates. It is the sporting equivalent. The 'I got your back' promise that is the walk, as compared to the talk. You, my dear teammates, make me better. It is my deepest and most sincere hope, that the reverse is true as well.

My passions. Where would we be without them? I take so much joy from doing what we do. A long time ago I decided to make my living doing what I wanted to do, putting passion ahead of money, success, privilege and worldly possessions. Never living where I didn't want to be and doing something I don't want to do. As a result almost everyone listed above has told at one time or another that my ship, one day, will come in.

My patience. I just wonder when that ship will drop anchor.

My faith. And that it won't drop atop my foot.

Happy Thanksgiving

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