Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 326.47 (for .99)

I have the need for read.

The last few cold nights have been perfect for end of the day reading. A chance to wind down listening to the narrator in your head describe exotic places, testing plot twists, villains and the requisite hero(s). To me, there is nothing like a well-crafted story.

Two of my favorites just happened to have their works on-sale (20% for seniors!!) where I shop. Because you know that I haven't bought a new garment (non-sport specific) in about twenty years. I like my Levi's faded and my ties with gravy stains. I always take a quick look at books, movies and CDs after I have inventoried the clothing department.

The Two:

Cormac McCarthy. All the Pretty Horses, No Country for Old Men, Suttree and today's score, The Crossing. Which I think I have already read, but so what, I'll ride down that dusty trail again in the hopes of learning something about style from CM.

Patrick O'Brian. He of Master & Commander, HMS Surprise, Post Captain and today's prize, Desolation Island fame. This takes some adjusting as PO is not your ordinary historian/author. Filled with colloquialisms, slang, accurate nautical terminology and usually in two or three languages, it helps if you're are a scholar, retired Navy or history fanatic. Just for grins the other day, I decided I was going to read with pad and pen in hand, jotting down every word or phrase I didn't know, till I got to ten. Which took about five pages and ten minutes. Wow. Captain Jack Aubrey and Dr Steven Maturin are the best literary duo since Jekyll and Hyde. Caution: PO wrote some 27 volumes, so be prepared. You will get hooked!

Have a great Thanksgiving eve. Me and Jr will be watching a Harry Potter DVD I found for ninety-nine cents.

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