Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 302.23

Admiration and respect.

They can go a long way together. Like the moon and the mountain.

Without a doubt they make me better. Even if for a minute or two before I revert to my patented default slow, fat and lazy mode.

Why is this?

I think because being the superior man is hard. Takes a lot of work, with no coffee breaks or down time. Always on, always ready and never arrogant.

I was on the receiving end of some of that today. Witnessed another outstanding athletic performance.

But it's what happened after that really made the day.

The kind of stuff that separates the Pros from the Joes quick.

A chat. A talk. An honest and sincere inquiry. I was asked how I was doing.

I shared my frustrations, some of my challenges and all of my fear. It was received with concern and compassion, even a few milligrams of empathy.



Admiration and respect went a long way today.

Way past the finish line.

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