Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 231, Name 'em!

OK, let's do that.

It is an option, a directive, a course of action, a game plan, and most importantly a way to push the project in the right direction.

Otherwise it will sit and rot. Die a slow and painful death from lack of attention. Be forgot. Put on the back burner until we run out of propane and dry firewood.

So do it.

Do something.

On any front, on any level, with any chore.

Add something. Take something away. Multiply. Divide.

Do more. Gripe less. Double mileage. Divide the joy.

When I get bogged down by apathy, hamstrung by volume, disabled by scope or weary of the mundane. I do one thing…..

Something different.

It always helps.

So let's do that.


Today's contest (because my only form of advertising is the signature line on my G-Mail addy) is:

Name me at least five of the people in the pic.

There will be a winner.

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