Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 220, Peace Robin

Two new ones:

Suddenly I felt like I didn't know who I was. I looked around the room as I lay down on the bed to control the terror and didn't recognize anything. I thought, this isn't my room, not my house, where am I? Worse, who am I? What am I doing here and what the hell is going on? Very scary.

The second was this morning as I stood at my computer searching for royalty free music. Suddenly my left eye went soft. I had lost the ability to focus. Immediately I lifted my glasses to test and it was worse without them. Then my right went out. Back to the bed to ride it out, whatever IT was. Slowly I brought it back and after about ten minutes all was fine, But, whew, THAT was scary too.

So I called the out-patient nurse and told her my sad story. She said she would consult the doctor and get back to me.

Tomorrow will be one week since the procedure. I cannot see myself getting back to anything remotely resembling exercise. Not when I don't know who I am and blind in one eye.

At least the streak is alive.

And now I have to face all this without Robin Williams. Fuck.

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