Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 179, Over there!

After a morning PR shoot in AC, I had the afternoon off. Philadelphia is less than 60 miles so I lit out for the City of Brotherly Love. Two things are glaringly absent from their vibrant downtown core:

1) Parking, and,
2) Public restrooms.

Why is this so tough? Yo Civil Engineers, City Planners and Downtown Ambassadors of Goodwill, watup?

Please understand that if you provide affordable, accessible parking, along with a place to, ah, freshen up, your precious profits per square inch will rise exponentially.

As example, this afternoon I gladly bought a 6" veggie delight at Subway for $3.50 JUST SO I COULD USE THEIR TOILET.

I also parked on the street for free on Bainbridge and 20th, a 40 minute walk to the aforementioned Subway, which was right across the street from Ben standing atop a huge building, of which there are several downtown, a few of them noteworthy.

Had I of had the choice to park closer, investigate and support the local art community for that 80 minute RT, I am quite sure my lunch would have been considerably more expensive.

Parking and peeing. They go together.

Come on Philly. You can do better.

(photo caption: Latrines over there!)

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