Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 195 memo

Sitting and waiting in the Electrophysiology examining room this morning, the selections of magazines were slim.

Quilting Monthly.

I picked Time.

There was a ten questions one pager with Jack Levine. I was about to rip the page and tuck it in my pocket when the doctor walked in and took command of the situation.

Ninety minutes later, and the scheduling of a cardio ablation procedure (Aug 5) I just wanted to get on with my day, and forgot to re-rip the page.

The reason for my premeditated folio theft was the following quote that I cannot quote directly because I am now relying on memory and failed with anguish using the Google tool. Seems Jack left little trail. But here is what I recall:

On marketing:

1) You have to have a product.
2) You have to create a relationship with your perspective buyer.
3) You have to ask them for help.

Help, of course, in this usage is translated to 'buy'. Or in Jack's case 'to buy in'.

And we buy, or buy in, to achieve our goals. Political or otherwise.

Today's memo:

We have the product.
We will continue to create relationships (in many, and more) ways.
We will ask for the order.

Submitted for approval.


Director of Marketing

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