Monday, January 5, 2015

1.5.15 No Reply

The master of the more is not always mater of the less, he thought.

Why, after all, is it sometimes easier to accomplish the radical than it is to maintain the conservative? Why do we go after the impossible with more enthusiasm than we tackle the mundane? Why is the easy part often the hardest?

I heard something this morning that sprung this thread to life. It was a song. A tune from the early sixties, an era by most accounts a glorious time for both music and mayhem.

The song is No Reply by the Fab Four. What makes it so interesting is its simplicity, as one of the dominant themes of that time was, as always, love. Or in this case the jealousy involved with seeing one's girl with another guy. What makes the song a classic is the chorus. As with several Beatles tunes this one gives us the minor verse en route to a monstrously rocking major key chorus, which we hear only once.


And that is plenty, as the listener takes this pop ode to joy with him or her into cellular memory to be sung time and time again in (pick all that apply) the shower, on the bus, in the yard, at the store, on cloud nine.

A jam band might play this theme out for an hour or so, but this original version, from Beatles 65, makes less all the more.

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