Monday, August 1, 2011


Welcome to August. It is 0824. The skies are blue. I am happy. There is meaning.

There is nothing quite like starting your day with a high-intensity spin session. One settles into work with a clearer understanding of what is important and what is not. Personally I believe in the importance of taking care of our bodies. One could argue that I take this to the extreme. I do. And why not? It has great meaning, is an end to a mean and is something wholesome to do. Further I love what I do.

The feeling after a quality workout is something I need every day. That combination of muscular fatigue, endorphin flow and the deep inner satisfaction of accomplishment is as sublime as it gets. Water tastes purer, colors more vivid and sounds more intense. The beauty that surrounds us becomes evident and obvious. Creative juice flows like water rushing down the spillway. Salmon leap, dragonflies with coral wings circle and the wind cries Mary. The meaning of August.

On this beautiful summer morning, we strengthened the mind-body connection for 60 precious minutes to start our day. We loaded the canon with speed, power, focus and challenge, lit the fuse and stood back to watch the BOOM explode like popcorn into space. This was no sparkler, more a dazzling, cascading crysthamum of effort, sweat and ergonomic magma. Climbing the volcano.

We used a bit of wisdom offered by Viktor Frankl as motivation. He said that there are but three things we need in order to achieve that elusive goal of happiness (the by-product of our awareness of meaning.)

1) We need something to do.

2) Somebody to Love, and,

3) Something to look forward to.



Race Day.

Welcome to August.


Anonymous said...

Now what have you done to yourself...overuse can't beleive it.
Now I'm feeling retired here I am reading and commenting on your blog and riding pretty much when I damn well please which included a nice ride yesterday.
See you tomorrow at yoga. Take care of yourself.


KML5 said...

OK, but please get yourself a identity from the list below. You never know, if you use your Name/URL someday, maybe one of the RCVman VBA (vast blogging audience) might see all the cool architectural work that you have done (ooops, I mean are doing) and want some for their own.

And I did NOT see you in yoga this morning!!!!!