Thursday, August 4, 2011

Flowers, detailed.

It is the little things. The details.

We know that we need to train.

We know that we need rest and recovery.

We know that we need fuel to power our efforts.

We know we need purpose and meaning.

We know we need love.

We know we need community.

And we know that we need to stay continually motivated.

Keep trying.

I could write a book (or film a movie) on each of those topics, breaking each down to the elemental details and sub-categories that contribute to success, enrichment or improvement. So could you.

Except for the fact that you are too busy with other stuff to write, edit, script, shoot, score and master. I am not. I have no excuse. THIS is what I do. Or should do, or are supposed (or expected) to do.

We had a wonderful round table discussion this morning after yoga. The cast:

Michelle: Yoga instructor, mother, former Tae Kwon Do practitioner, equestrian.

Yasuyo: Martial Artist, Fitness Trainer, mother, Studio Cyclist, task master

RCVman: Triathlete, Master Cycling Instructor, new media creator, cynic.

Topic of discussion: Motivation, movement, improvement, group fitness, video, quality of life.

Results: Advancement of concepts, synergies, success stories, possibilities, options, goals, means to ends.

Strategies: Lazer-like attention to detail and emphasis on the needs of BOTH the few and the many.

It is so refreshing to be able to successfully exchange ideas, examine the script, change the color wheel, rewrite the old, segue to the new.

How we do that is what we do. The details are in the how. The success in the what.

Where and when is here and now.

We can all do something today that will impact our future for the positive. And just to demonstrate that I do not overly cater to one specific demographic (the fast and furious), as I have been accused, here are a few starters:

Train: Look at your day timer, i-calendar or schedule for today. Can you give yourself thirty minutes of cardio somewhere in there? A 5K, 800 meters in the pool, or a nice HIT spin session? How about using the foam roller, attending a yoga class or roller blading? Just 30.

Rest: Got kids? Over scheduled? Need some quality down time? Build it in. Take a walk in the park. Go to the forest, beach, desert, lake. Take notes, listen. Library? Community Center? Meditation hall. Dojo.

Fuel: Ditch the junk. Lose the soda. Can the sugar. Go on a crap fast: no fries, pizza, tacos, burgers, pies or white breads. Fruit is in season, veggies are locally abundant, water is still free (in selected areas). Detox. Clean it out. Purge.

Love: What you do and who you choose to do it with. Try to be less judgmental and expect nothing in return for your good work, charity and positive expression of gratitude.

Community: Be humble, be happy, be available, be supportive.

Motivation: Try doing all of the above simultaneously.

That will keep you busy. I know it does me.

As I was reminded at the round-table, there are several areas (loosely outlined above) in which I fail miserably.

I have one little detail in mantra form that gets me through: Keep trying.

Details like giving flowers can create a dynamic chain reaction of goodness.


ej said...

you could? and sell them?

KML5 said...

Could what and sell what? Flowers?

ej said...

Quote: "I could write a book (or film or a movie) on each of those topics...".

ej said...

Chuckie V has some good posts.

KML5 said...

Well, yes. And yes. But that wasn't the point, that comment was rhetorical. If I do the best I can whatever happens after that is very OK. I am not interested today in writing a book, this will suffice as practice and training, we shot an hour of video (for audio) this afternoon, more practice. I appreciate the opportunity, the art and the practice WAY more than projected third quarter profits as a result.

Same with racing (most of the time)