Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 148

What is your 'go-to' motivational technique?

I inquire because we all, at one time or another, get the lulls. That one day of the week, or one week of the month, or one month of the year, when all our mojo seems to be playing a wicked high-stakes game of hide-and-seek.

Where are you Mr Motivation and Ms Inspiration?

More than a kid's game, this is important adult challenge.

What do we do, how do we typically react, what are our tendencies and trends when faced with the business end of the sawed-off lethargic double-barrel-over and-under?

Hide? Take cover? Run like Hell? Learn to Duck?

First, let's make absolutely sure that it IS what we think it is. Make sure you are not hurt, injured or still in recovery mode from your last workout. Get a handle on your resting heart-rate. Are you hydrated? Well rested? Dealing with stress in a positive and non-toxic way?

Is it ALL IN YOUR HEAD? (If you answered yes)

Then try this:

Look at yourself in the mirror. Ask that image who you are and then WHO YOU WANT TO BE.

You should get a pretty clear answer. You want to be better than you are right now (and I don't mean better shaved and with clean teeth).

Your inner coach, training partner and biggest fan should be smiling at you with a wink-wink grin that suggests you do that thing that you need to do. That thing that must be done.

Go run. Ride hard. Swim like a bottle-nosed dolphin. Hoist a kettle bell. Yogasize it. Get outside yourself and help somebody else that is in this same situation.

There are plenty.

Share the mojo. It is infectious.

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