Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 140

OK, OK, I spent the day (number 140) doing (kinda) important stuff. Went up to Sequim to look at a piece of dirt-cheap property. When I got there (exactly 53 miles later) didn't take long to see why it was so "affordable". Picture in you mind a deserted meth lab. I was outta there so fast the two pitbulls next door couldn't even get off a bark. After the return home we killed a 2x20 set in the PB. After that I tried to get on-line in the beautiful home in which I am house sitting and failed miserably to hack past the security firewall. After that (and two delicious Elysians that the boss lady insisted I consume) and realizing that I had left the work I really wanted to finish, Father's Day by Buzz Bissinger, at my brothers, I raided the library and picked some juicy Raymond Carver for the nightcap. Mr, Carver spent most of his writing life another 36 miles North of Sequim in Port Angeles. I slept on the couch feeling unworthy of the huge, cushy and extravagant bed that the owner's use. After that I had a weird dream. That was yesterday, Day 140.After that will come Day 141. I trust.

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