Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 130

Let me try again. Please.

Here is the set up, a backstory of sorts.

We know from experience, that change is hard. We get comfortable and cozy with routine. Get up, make coffee, commute, work, commute, play, sleep.

Come the inevitable ravages of time we find ourselves one fine day wondering why the 'same old - same old'  is no longer producing the same old results. A + B now equals D or E or F.

The mirror that day reveals gray, flab, clammy and drab. Range of motion is limited with speed, power, balance and endurance elements we now discuss in the past tense.

We need change and we need it STAT.

We need to change our habits. Transform them into a series of focused efforts to provide the desired results. Like good health, fitness, self confidence and leadership.

Leadership because people are watching. Kids. Peers, parents. Yours. Ours. These look to us for guidance and inspiration. They say "Show me how to do it", NOT, "Tell me how." They seemingly shout , "Climb the hill and we will follow."

You have been called to the carpet. You are now accountable to you. And me. And us.

We are all in this complex and dynamic life together.

And life is change. Ask the dawn. Ask the snow pack. Ask the cheetah.

If you are doing it now, change something. Your diet, your fuel, your ratio.

If you are NOT doing it now please start.


I am begging you. Start today. Right fucking now.

There, that was better.

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