Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oceanside RCV Released!

We interrupt our normal VBA activities to bring you this exciting news from the home office: The 16th CompuTrainer Real Course Video has been officially released. Now you can ride all 56 miles of this fantastic Southern California course, including a swing through a very sensitive, and heavily protected, military base that you can only ride either on race day, or HERE (unless, of course you are a Marine).

My sincere thanks to everyone who assisted with the production of this gem and as the 2012 event is less than four months away, and as tomorrow officially puts us at the tenth day of Christmas, I highly recommend you put this one on your radar. Hint: It is somewhere between Montezuma and Tripoli. OO-RAH

As footnote this highlight video was initially posted back in May of 2010, I simply added the cheeky ending announcement and reloaded, like any good Marine would surely do.

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