Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Sunday Wrap

Updates on the Saturday Three Things.

1) Another in a long line of examples of cause and effect, or as we say in class, 'it's all connected'. Researching the pathology involved with my inflamed left knee (no disease has yet been determined) the following came to light: The chronic heel fissures that have now spread to forefoot have triggered a change in my footstrike as to avoid direct sheer impact and subsequent pain. Treating this condition subconsciously I have began a fairly severe over-pronation. Guess what happened next? You bet, with added training stress, hill repeats and barefoot runs, all that change has manifested in knee pain. Heel, foot, ankle, calf, knee, lower back. All connected. How, you then ask am I treating this? NSAIDS, neoprene and slow, steady, flat and focused runs. This as treatment for root cause continues.

2) Here is a screen shot of the new template with some of the features shown. As well as the (I would love to say award winning here) video, you get Google Earth maps, elevation profile, B-Roll footage, sponsorship banners, and the constant encouragement and video motivation from yours truly. The latter in the training partner POV vice actual coaching methodology. You like?

3) RG only has basic cable so we were unable to watch the Dawgs/Cats game last night at his place. Returning home in a desparate attempt to see some of the game I stumbled upon this little gem: Front Row Sports and put up with their pathetic and relentless banner ads while watching a live feed on a tiny screen. But it was enough. I am very proud of the resiliency and character of my team. The could have folded the tent and gone home. But they fought back, played hard and on the shoulders of Chris Polk won a wild one, 42-31. OK so I predicted 45-30. Whack me on the knee.

All for today folks, going out to test the hinge. If you hear a scream from the general vicinity of Crystal Springs (shown in pic) you'll know what went down.

I guess to summarize, two of three ain't bad.


FW said...

Would this be the perfect time to get faster in the water?

KML5 said...

Not after the 1:53 lsd we just reeled off. BUT, that is exceptional thinking sir, you should be a doctor, coach or therapist. Thanks, consider it under consideration.