Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 5.126 Opportunity & Experience

Our Wednesday morning routine is an ass-kicker. There is, truthfully, no other way to put it. Here is the Super Eight protocol (please do not try this at home without supervision):

Warm up for 20 minutes.
All-out maximum 30 seconds.
Recover for 90 seconds.
Repeat 8 times.

In most civilized cultures, that is enough.

We take an extended ten minute break at 7(gear)/120 (cadence) and then do two more.

Because we can. And because I have the room for an hour. And because the 'typical' spin class is 60 minutes long.

Today I cut the hearty class practitioners a deal. Plea bargained a focused, super 50 minute effort in exchange for an early-out for good behavior. They took it without hesitation, every one.

As we were winding down with he standard cool-off, stretch and start of recovery, an interesting thought popped into my awareness as if part of the routine. It might have been the voice of accomplishment.

I repeated it to the group.

"I don't think there is anything I will do for the remainder of this day that will cause me to feel as alive as I do right now."

For that I am grateful.

For the opportunity and the experience.

Photo is from the BIG FIX 2006. An incredible experience and once-in-a-lefetime opportunity.

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