Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 173

The Out 'n Back, what a concept! Leaving the security and familiarity of our homes to intrepidly venture into the unknown, and triumphantly return.

Let the adventures begin!

"There and Back", remember was the subtitle to Mr Tolkien's epic fantasy.

There should be a chase scene or two. Massive, non-stop conflict, impossible challenge, despair and a dramatic moment of two when the hero emerges to save the day. Helps to have queen in there as well, this to balance the emotions, fore as we know all blood and guts makes Johnny (or Frodo) a dull boy (or Hobbit).

Perhaps without recognition, we do this every day. Consider the morning ritual, the commute, the long days at the office or job site, and finally the retun to the castle for rest, recovery and distraction. A roaring fire under a beast turning on a spit as our queen and prodigy offer loving gratitude and support for another day fending barbarians from the gates.

Or the sporting equivalent, the race. Start, go, hit the turnaround and haul ass back.

What a terrific metaphor.

Lessons on parade.

Out & Back.


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