Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 168, The Fun Begins

Q: Are you an athlete?

A: If you are reading this I will assume that there is a body attached to the eyes and brain you are using right now to read and comprehend this.

So yes, if you have a body, you are an athlete. You may not be competing at the professional level, or compete at all, but you have the classification of athlete if you own the package we call The Motor.

The Motor moves us. With grace or without. With speed or like a snail. With power or not. With endurance or short term. Makes little difference, you got it.

Q: What do I do with it?

A: Use it.

Get out and do. Walk to the store. Swim at the local pond or pool. Ride your long neglected bike. Dance. Attend a yoga, tai chi, zumba, spin class. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED by those who have simply been doing it longer than you. They (most of them) will applaud your courageous decision to start and support you along your quest to continue.

That is what we do. It is our version of giving back. We got your back.

You don't have to be fast. You don't need to be ripped. It isn't a prerequisite to have some silly metric attached to your name like numerical alphabet soup.

You simply have to show up. Start.

Q: And then what?

A: Keep going.

Until the glorious day when you get the cosmic neurological message that suggests this: You are an athlete.

Q: What happens then?

A: The fun begins.

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