Saturday, December 25, 2010

You see what we are up against? Please read this article and rate the order of slimy insidiousness, from:

1) Big Pharma.
2) The Media.
3) The Government, or
4) The American People.

It is hard for me, especially on this day, to swallow this tripe. Hence, in keeping with the (all new and improved) mission statement from the RCVman center for bullshit control (CBC), we duly award the authors, and their lobbyist sponsors (see #1), our highest grades in the 'outrageous and blatant lies' category.

They print (and post) this stuff hoping enough in category number 4 will take the bait, under full compliance with number 3 and to the delight of number 2.

And the profit of number one. Folks, it's all Number TWO!

Wake up Ebenezzer, your goose is cooking.

Merry Christmas and God bless us all.


FW said...

Check out the comments at the end of the article.

KML5 said...

Among many others, I like this one: "Ask your doctor if getting off your @ss is right for you."

FW said...

That would look good on a bike jersey.

KML5 said...

It would then have to be:

Ask your coach if moving your @ss faster is right for you.