Friday, December 17, 2010


Friday's links to cool stuff:

From the World HQ of Challenger World in case you are considering an international event in 2011. They are also the creators of the Santa Biking ad (above) which I find brilliant. Brilliant as compared to my attempt at using the same personality in yesterdays post. I showed the 'Santa Says buy an RCV' piece to Bob, my most trusted consultant on all things video & film (right after we watched the True Grit trailer in HD) and he said it was 'cute'.



Cute is easy. Dangerous, edgy, probing, unconventional, controversial, dark, risky, deeply moving, inspiring, gripping, ground-breaking and cathartic are not. I am getting out of the cute genre effective immediately. 3-2-1.

There, I'm out.

Thank you Bob.

Also are these bulls-eye and off-topic links:

Carpenters PLEASE check this human powered table saw. Which led me to the Whole Earth Catalog and this beautiful article by my pal Ken Kesey.

Please remember tomorrow's NBC broadcast of Ironman Hawaii at one, this after our 90 minute HIT spin from 0730-0900, and then to wrap up the weekend on Sunday, our annual marathon spin for the Boys & Girls Club of BI from 0800 to 1700 at the BAC.

Please, dear VBA, you can still make a difference by calling the Club at 206.842.5661 and making a pledge today (don't wait till tomorrow - unless you have free rollover weekend minutes of course).

Have a terrific weekend, stay warm, and read a verse and chapter today (nothing cute about Liviticus!)

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