Thursday, December 23, 2010

Are YOU ready?

Ran across this little gem early today as I waited for the G5 to render a particularly juicy segment of the 2010 w/ The RCVman video. The loyal VBA amongst you will immediately recognize one of the dominant and recurrent RCVman themes playing to great impact in this cogent piece of important media. The theme of our taking responsibility for our own health. Further, all this counter intelligence, David vs Goliath, freedom of information, wiki-leak, propaganda renders (not unlike video) to two things:

THING ONE: Make good food choices.
THING TWO: Move your boo-tay. Lots.

Thing One and Thing Two. Follow them down the path of good health. Don't and you will find many people who will gladly take all your money (and then your clothes) to sell it back to you.


ej said...

that Pziser profit quote is a bit surprising. This morning my third piece of rye toast caught fire in the toaster with flames shooting out. Is that a sign or what!?

KML5 said...

Yes. Please take that as a sign. You're toast if you don't!