Monday, November 30, 2009


What is the price of success?

It is doing what is right, necessary or required in a job, relationship or career. And it is doing it with love, positive expectation, joy and gratitude. It is doing it with consistency, integrity, passion and resolve and commitment.

Let's examine this one specific component of our goal here, shall we?

As suggested, your individual goal is something uniquely personal. If I was to poll the regular members of our spinning group, triathlon club, or CompuTrainer users, I would most likely get at least a dozen different responses to this question. Polar extremes such as general fitness increases to training for an Ironman. Stress management and weight loss in between. Core strength. Speed enhancements. Endurance. Explosive power. Lowered cholesterol. On.

And on.

Today's specific area in question is not so much about the why, but the how. You know the why. And intrinsically you know the how. It's just that sometimes we forget.

You need the 3Ds to push closer towards your goal. Inch by inch. Meter by meter. Mile by mile, one pedal rotation after another, day by day.

Uno) YOU must be dedicated. Dos) YOU must be disciplined. Tres) YOU must have desire.

YOU have to pay the price. YOU must do the right thing. Often.

Like every day.

And after we have mastered that, it is every hour.

And after that......

You get the idea.

I will now give you the best advice I can possibly offer in the hopes of getting you to get what you want. The first step in mastering the 3Ds is to:

Quatro) SHOW UP.

Or sooner or later you will be paying the for the cost of failure.

You can cheer on the sidewalks of Kona, or pay the price to race there.


Anonymous said...

I really like this by the way, very well stated. You want it, you show up for it. Bingo Bango.

ej said...

ok, I'm pushing myself back, back, slowly, sloowly, from the left-over pumpkin pie and then it is snatched by a college-going youth and I am saved. This is not a movie. Exercise to follow soon.

KML5 said...

and Bongo!

If this WAS a movie (and your are the star) three things must happen for success:

1) Dramatic action (hero pushes back)
2) Emotional development of main character. (hero has moment of truth)
3) Thematic relevance (hero faces demons and kicks snot out of them)