Thursday, November 19, 2009

Moments of Truth

Moments of Truth

There comes a time. Maybe you have been there. A defining moment in time that allows you to see who you are. How far you still have to go despite how far you have come. A test.

A test of your understanding.

A test of your wisdom.

A test of your limits.

A test of your love.

A test of your training, your physical capability, your engines state of readiness, the gas remaining in the tank, your resolve, your skill, your stamina, your presence. You. The real you, the big picture you. YOU.

Champions set this up as a strategic maneuver, much like a master chess player orchestrates a trap. Adventurers go in search of these magical moments. It is surely the allure of war. What grade is my courage? Under what conditions will I quit, run for cover or compromise? Precisely at what point will I surrender?

Can we create scenarios where we put this into a laboratory and scientifically observe the relationship between cause and effect?

Yes, yes, and heck yes we can. It's called high intensity training, and subsequently taking the effects of this regimen out into the testing grounds of real world racing.

This morning we tested a little of this. I mentioned that the only difference between two of our senior spinners and Lance and Levi or World Class Triathletes like Craig Alexander and Chris Lieto, was that the warriors mentioned lastly have developed through discipline, dedication and desire THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND PHYSICAL DIS-COMFORT LONGER.

Simple as that.

They have tested their resolve, dialed up the suffering, refined their skills through repetition, gone fast and gone hard. Lots. Often. Without compromise. In any condition. NO MATTER WHAT.


There are no lies in the moment of truth. Crowie overtakes Chris on the Queen K with less than 10K to go.


ej said...

I didn't feel any discomfort this morning.

KML5 said...

No lie.