Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day Sixty, hard time

Didn't see THAT one coming!

Such a clever plot twist.

When all seems lost, with no hope, no way out and eminent doom knocking with authoritative intent, something happens.

Something always happens.

The cavalry finally shows up. The person thought for dead returns. The hero finds the reserve tank. Eagles fly in, grab you by the collar and whisk you off just before the lava flow.

Something always happens.

Because the story isn't finished. There is more. Lots more. We aren't done yet.

I am on the phone with Amex reporting my stolen credit card. While speaking, the customer service rep says, huummmm a sale was just disapproved.

I ask where.

She says just a minute I'll pull it up.

I recognize the place.

Thirteen miles up the road.

When did this happen.

Forty minutes ago.

I hang up and call the officer with whom I had filed a report an hour earlier.

I tell him the news.

He says I'll call you back.

When he does they have a positive ID from security cams.

Perps get sloppy, try several more purchases (as the cavalry is en route) finally leaving in a jacked car.

They are pulled over for speeding. Wheel perp hands MY DRIVERS LICENSE to the State Patrol officer.

You shouldn't have given in to greed boys.

I hope you like orange.

That way we'll see you coming. In five to ten.

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