Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day seventy-six

…is a state of indestructible happiness wherein we manifest our limitless potential, boundless wisdom and infinite compassion to create value out of every situation in life.

…is not a supernatural being but rather an ordinary person who is enlightened to the eternal and ultimate truth that is the reality of all things and who leads others to the same enlightenment.

Juxtaposed and extrapolated, the ellipsis indicate some sort of description as a mission statement, I feel. Why are we doing what we are doing? There must be an underlying and all-inclusive goal, one that will keep us on the single track. Especially when that track is muddy, overgrown with nettles and dark.

Because we tent to get lost. We allow distraction and we indulge in the immediate gratification of shallow entertainment. We numb the pain.

Imagine spending the remainder of this day, then all of tomorrow, with just one of the attributes listed above as central focus.

What would happen if we dedicated the next 24 hours to the nobility of creating value in every situation?

We could change the world.

Or ourselves.

And when we change ourselves we lead others towards that same truth, changing the whole in the practice and process.

….is your happiness indestructible?

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