Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Above is the route for next Thursday's supported 70 mile ride. Out and back from the BAC to Quilcene. We'll have support and sunshine. Cost is $10 per person to cover gas and goodies. Please RSVP (the respond-not the ride) by using the comments tab below. We'll leave the club at 1000.

We have one spot remaining for this weekends epic trip to Chelan. So far Stephanie and myself are racing (she on Sunday, me on Saturday) and Steve is supporting and maybe golfing. There are still spots open for the runs, but the tris are closed. If you wanna come over and camp with us and get in some swims, runs, rides or holes, hit the comments tab. We're talking frugal fun here, or was that yesterday?

I have just come up with the grand opening celebration promotion package for the initial run of pizzas from the new outdoor oven. Seems as I totally missed the 4th of July, we'll now set sights on my birthday, August 31. For the past few years I have been doing some type of wacko endurance thing that natal day, so this year we'll try this: I am going to ride Chilly Hilly four times. My PR is three, done on that day two years ago and this year we'll stretch it out by 33 miles and see what type of an appetite that produces. Here is the fun part: YOU are invited!!! Simply ride your bike for a CH lap (or two) and swing by the cabin afterwards for some tantalizing fresh, local, organic pizza and a glass of local vin. For those of you that don't know, it's on the CH course across from the duck pond at Battle Point Park, making it easy. Just follow your nose. EDITORS NOTE: I just checked the calendar and 8.31.11 is a Wednesday. There is NO WAY I am going to spin and then ride a CH Quad. NO WAY. So the ride/eat du will be on Sunday, August 28. Fixed that for ya!

All for today. Great yoga and swim sessions this morning. We'll recover and cruise a recovery run at five. One more day to peak, start loading with high glycemic carbs and get in a little taper. Life is good.


Tom said...

good luck this weekend!!

KML5 said...

Thanks, I'll take all I can get.

Christopher Harvey said...

I'd love to ride Thursday!