Things that I find amazing today.
Lance is not only back in the saddle, he is back in the saddle on the road and it appears that he is also riding at MellowJohnnys http://www.mellowjohnnys.com/pedal-hard with Kevin Livingston in his infamous peal hard classes. All this according to Twitter, which I am growing to appreciate more and more. Tweets LA: "Just went for a ride. On the road. If one of you 484, 272 tells my doc then I'm in trouble. Keep it between us please." Amazing.
Amazing II: How a city the size of Portland, OR (Photo of rider on the St. Johns Bridge, also part of the Portland Marathon course) can embrace cycling and a city the size of Seattle can't. Maybe we should all do STP and just stay there! http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/travel/2008035378_onlywa06mima.html
Amazing III: On the way to Po'land, we should all stop and check out the Mima Mounds. Look at this photo and tell me the first thing that comes to mind. Thought so. http://travel.nytimes.com/2009/04/03/travel/escapes/03Portland.html?8dpc
Amazing IV: Those incredible fixie guys from Davis are at it again. http://wheelsnorth.org/ Remember way back in ought six we took a little fixed gear ride from Davis to Boston to raise money for Histiocytosis? They are now planning a trek North from Santa Rosa to Seattle. Here is the BIG FIX 06 trailer I cut way back when advertising the fund-raising video, of which only 71 remain for sale here: http://www.histio.org/site/apps/ka/ec/product.asp?c=kiKTL4PQLvF&b=217957
Amazing V: Why more people don't use CompuTrainer, Multi-Rider, RCVs and Spin Scan like they do as shown in the photo of Whole Athlete in San Anselmo. http://www.wholeathlete.com/fa_pedal_analysis.htm
Seattle, Bellevue...sigh...why would anyone want to live there? work maybe.
Starbucks instant?
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