Thursday, September 18, 2008

Train Happy

Another deadline come and gone. The media for the Kona DVD went out USPS Urgent an hour ago. I drew up the jacket and e-mailed it to the art department, paid for the 1,000 copies and now I AM GOING TO TAKE A NAP. For those of you that will be in Kona for the IM World Championships (Oct 11), please be sure to stop by the booth race week and pick up YOUR FREE COPY. That's right Yellow Foxtrot Charlie. All that work and we're givin' the suckas away!!!! As I mentioned yesterday, I will post the video and link to YouTube once back from the Islands. I think you'll like it. I have watched it now about ten times and despite seeing all the details that I would have tweaked given a legitimate build allowance, it still cuts to the chase PDQ. After all the videos I have cut that hit the ground runnin' and ramp up from there, I even built in an intermission to ensure that this one features some semblance of a story arc. If "But wait..there's more!" can be considered an intermission. Hey, at least I didn't scream, "Now how much would you pay?" a thousand times. Here is the label. If anybody says anything about the RCV being off center, please remember that each copy comes with a money back guarantee. And here is my final thought for this entry.


Talk to ya from Park City. Train happy.

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