Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just Last Week?

9-11 2008. 0640.


Seems like only last week. My initial question was 'why"? In spite of all the attempts to answer that question, there remains more Qs than As. I am comfortable with some of them and very uncomfortable with most. The Religious one bothers me, but the Political one bothers me way more. I'm afraid that I will go to my grave wondering about the right time and proper place to wisely 'turn the other cheek'. I am from the 'forgive and forget' school of thought, but this one is asking for a lot of memory dumping. And I still don't know if I have the CPU to do it, although I am constantly reminded by the media, military and republicans that I shouldn't forget. Bumper stickers tell me this too but none of the trucks that the stickers are attached too appear to be driven by Christians. Turning the corner of irony just past the hypocrisy sign.

So I sit at Sea-Tac, after a relatively uneventful TSA screening (it looks like Cheney got them new uniforms as 911 presents), and am reminded by the intercom propaganda recordings that security is everyone's responsibility and that today's alert level is orange. So there are twice as many TSA agents standing around looking at drivers licenses, boarding passes, in lap-top cases and scanning shoes. This makes feel more angry than safe. How wonderful that today, of all days, Toronto is my final destination. Out of the fear zone for a couple of days. For, as you know, fear means control. Ask the Catholic Church, or Carl Rove or John McCain. And the latter wants to control your fear pointedly enough to get you to vote for his sorry sagging ass. And then you can return to your normal real life activities like shopping for hedge clippers at Home Depot and stocking up on TP at Costco. And be sure to drive to each on separate trips because good consumers are required to do so. It's your birthright as entitled Americans to have too much, use too much and want too much. And all this is sponsored and subsidized by the current administration. Folks it's called greed. When enough isn't enough, only too much is enough. And the cost of that on the global scale is taking its toll. If I was living on a dollar a day (like millions do) and the price of rice tripled because somebody wants it to distill for biofuel so they can drive 10 miles to Wal-Mart, I would be pissed too. I think I would try to find a better way to express my frustration than flying a plane into a building, but the genesis is the same.

And here we are listening to politicians talk about out of marriage pregnancies, lapel pins, windfall taxation, real estate holdings, pork, racism, sexism and elitism. And neither has the brass to cut the crap and discuss THE REAL ISSUES. Because it might cost them a vote or two. Pander to the demographic that votes. God, we need a swift kick in the ass. I thought that on this day seven years ago we got a wake up call. Folks, we've hit the snooze button again, And again. Seems like just last week.

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