Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day one-oh-four

If we are committed to change, then by golly let's change with gusto! Wipe the slate clean and start anew. Fresh. Confident. Enthusiastic. Peel the layers of the past, see the lessons and compost the rest. Keep digging. Grow, move in the direction of hope, of trust, of happiness. Check every consternating detail and amend. Have no fear, tell no lies, Your cup is empty once again, fill with glee.

Everything now is for the first time. Again. You decide the approach, strategy and tactics. The what and the how. Life's little logistics. Rejoin the dance that once overflowed with wonder and magic. It is all attitude. Your call.

Take the bike off the rack, ring the cowbell and saddle up.

The universe awaits your decision and from this perspective seems ready to rock and roll.

All that is necessary is the start. The commitment to change.

Ye haw.

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