Friday, April 4, 2014

Day ninety-three, create

The thought for the day was a basic one. Here is where I started: Social media can unveil the best in us as well as the, ummmm, the not so best.

I love my neighbors. But i don't need an instagram of their cats every four hours.

With the advent of instant video we are now subject to unsolicited streams of riotous children behavior, teen trauma and adult stupidity in every form. It feels like the onset of social dementia. Dumb human tricks. Home movies all over again.

And it seems there are many, everywhere. 

It was bad enough ignoring the headlines from Star, The National Enquirer, People and USA Today, FOX News and a hundred civilian vigilantes fighting for the scoop on local traffic and weather, but now we get tweets, texts and instant messaging centering on, it seems, a very narrow segment of life on this planet, as we know it. To be fair, I too am a bit myopic with my posts, choosing health, fitness, cycling, triathlon, nutrition and quality of life as fodder. I have done sunsets, cars, beer and wine, food, famous and not-so-famous athletes, guitars and the occasional unsuspecting relative. Mostly they hate when I do that.

I cruise around, you don't need to send me every link to every article on a subject that I once goggled. Just because I like some activities doesn't mean I need to be reminded that there are a hundred others opining on the same subject. I don't need new data or some study that tells me that exercise is good for you. Toss the old running shoes in the can.

There is too much filler. It is all the same stuff, repackaged. We faced this dilemma in the magazine business, the old, what now?

So today, as I made trips to the storage unit, the dump, the recycling center and the hazmat facility, I thought long and hard about this.

Finally getting an answer to my many questions, oddly, in the form of a question. And here it is:


What have I done completely original? New and inventive? From a wholly new perspective? Something that zings out of the creative comfort zone like an arrow flying from bow.

Something, anything?


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