Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day ninety-four metaphor

It is early evening, Saturday, the sun is splashing golden horizontal light through rain drenched cedars. A day Northwester's call magical, even after a thousand times. I love this light, translucent and wet. After thirty years I will be leaving soon, so this sunset has a touch more meaning that the others that have preceded it. 

Today was another moving day, several trips to the recycling center, two to the storage unit. I am getting a little sloppy, knowing that I have enough room in my rented 8X12 space for everything, not just the family essentials initially planned. So instead of going through every box I simply give a quick eye-ball inventory and save it all or condemn it as trash. Otherwise I would be here forever and the new buyer wants to take over and get started.

After our monster 90 minute spin set this morning, I was thinking about a few ideas that were promoted by another article on the same subject. In an order that can only be called random, here are some of my thoughts:

Anybody that takes the time to write about something, something they have a passion for, should be heard.

Our mission is for the many, elites to beginners, and with careful and skillful leadership this can be accomplished.

Intensity is for everyone, we aim to mimic the motion as well as the intensity levels necessary to achieve our goals.

As a teacher, we need to develop our style, manner and shtick. We should have our own voice, a common theme that separates us from the mediocre or mundane.

As every participant is different, so are the ways and speeds with which we adapt to stress. The beginner will automatically adapt to his or her level of capability as does the advanced athlete.

We must transfer this responsibility to the student so they manage and monitor their effort and progress.

Is it vital to portray a sincere mix of knowledge and enthusiasm in leading sessions.

Music alone isn't enough.

I respect others opinions, appreciate their views and solicit dialogue. I read a lot. I ask a lot of questions. I love exchanging antidotes. I listen with genuine interest what other professionals have to say.

And then I do what I know works.

Metaphorically, this is similar to my chores. Separating the trash from the treasures.

It is all good. There is no one right way. There are many paths.

I choose intensity and I save what is dear to me and toss the rest.

It was an amazing day. It is an amazing sunset.

Time to rest.

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