Thursday, March 11, 2010

Please Train Responsibly

Uncork the intensity:

Healthier men have more sex.
Wine keeps weight down for ladies.

Nothing I appreciate, respect and admire more after a brutal high intensity workout than a gal who is likewise watchin' her girlie fig with a few glasses of malbec, syrah or even cabsav. There just might be a God who loves her children after all. These two stories, combined, are really good news folks, please spread the word.

Guess all I really need is a CompuTrainer and a corkscrew!
Disclaimer: Please train responsibly.


Anonymous said...

Ahaha!! A great plan, Cheers!! :)

KML5 said...

It seems to have merit no matter one's gender or speed!

FW said...

Alas, there is a difference between healthier men wanting more sex (the CNN headline) and whether healthier men actually have more sex.

KML5 said...

So true, but a least the healthier men stand a better chance of the unhealthier men believing their tales. My typical response to a fat slob with a babe on arm is thinking that he must be rich.

ej said...

Wow, this blog is so un-PC.

ej said...

Geez, I guess that was the same study, but thought my link had better graphics. I think money and marriage might reduce the chances of sex regardless of health. Unless perhaps one is on a business trip to Las Vegas. I might be willing to volunteer to test this research hypothesis especially if I can get it grant-funded.

KML5 said...

The philanthropic (and prestigious) RCVman Institute would be honored to fund research in this area. Our initial findings conclusively indicate:

1) Being healthy is better than not,
2) There is nothing like a good pinot noir,and,
3) Comedy is hard.