Thursday, March 18, 2010

District 9 Degrees

Remembering back to the birth of the RCVman blog, over 700 posts ago, the sub-title was taken from a Zen concept known as 'The Ten Thousand Things." My thinking ran somewhere down the path that by using this as an overview it would provide a fairly large source of material from which to choose topics on a daily basis. Because that was the mission, to blog daily. But a funny thing happened. The posts started to get somewhat myopic. The funnel was filtering a large percentage of the 10,000 down to about ten. The editorial blinders were narrowing the field of view to a select few.

And then to a VERY select few.

And sometimes, it seems lately, to one.

And I don't think it necessary to remind you of what that one is. And here is why.

Because it encompasses everything else. Most everything else. Even the RCVman creative writing team in cohort would be challenged to come up with a connection of power on the bike to, say, prawns. (this, because I watched District 9 last night).

We could play nine degrees of separation to the bike. Might be fun. And I'll wager you a pair of CompuTrainer RCV bike socks, that we can connect any of the ten thousand things to the bike in less than nine steps. Because it's ALL connected. So try me.

And don't say Kevin Bacon.

Pics: Sculpture "Unity" (it's all connected) from District 9 and screenshot from the RCVman vid posted yesterday featuring Bill Edwards and his Progressive Power Training book in pdf available on the CT website at


FW said...

Completing a PhD thesis on the application of John Rawls' Theory of Justice to the law of corporations, with a focus on the impact upon fiduciary responsibility to shareholders by the board of directors and the corporate officers.

(I did not watch District 9 last night.)

KML5 said...

1) John Rawls on the original position:

"no one knows his place in society, his class position or social status, nor does anyone know his fortune in the distribution of natural assets and abilities, his intelligence, strength, and the like. I shall even assume that the parties do not know their conceptions of the good or their special psychological propensities. The principles of justice are chosen behind a veil of ignorance."

2) Asteroid 16561 in the main belt is named in honor of John Rawls. The main belt is "roughly" located between Mars and Jupiter.

3) Mars is the Greek God of War and John Rawls was in the Army as the US was waging war on Japan. He witnessed the bombing of Hiroshima.

4) The detonator for that bomb was transported across the Pacific aboard the USS Indianapolis. Which was sank on its return to San Francisco by a Japanese submarine.

5) This incident would later become the "shark-boat" incident of "Jaws" fame, in which Roy Schneider played the lead.

6) A former girl friend of mine's mother was good friends with Roy, and he often visited Bainbridge.

7) Bainbridge Island has many hills.

8) One should take advantage of Bill Edwards' Progressive Power Training protocols if one wishes to ride faster and stronger on those hills.

9) All liberal philosophers do.

FW said...

Impressive connections, from the mind, to the stars (both kinds) and back to earth.

I've modified those protocols slightly to fit this middle aged athlete and have seen a measurable 10.2% faster performance turned in on 3/6/2010 compared to 10/24/2009.

KML5 said...

FW, are you saying that you are 10.2% faster than a mere four months ago? Sir, THAT is impressive!!!!!

(as even a liberal philosopher would surely agree)

BTW, I am filming your class in the morning.

ej said...


FW said...

It's true. There must be something to this high intensity short burst protocol. I have been on out of town on flights almost every week since 1/1 and yet I am registering this type of serious performance improvement with only a weekly or maybe twice a week interval workout. The only other thing that I have done differently is to squeeze in one, maybe two, yoga sessions a week.

So there you have it. My volume of aerobic workouts is down but the intensity of those workouts is way up. Ten point two percent faster over four months.

I wonder what I could do if I was a serious racer instead of a recreational poseur?

KML5 said...

FW, Absolutely fabulous. Positive results. Way to go. It is exactly this type of feedback that keeps me getting up at 0400 to get back to work.

And btw, you can still race seriously. I do (meaning that I race seriously and allow others to critique the results.) Because I don't care about the results - I care about the quality and intensity of the preparation.