Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day fifty-six

A blog bent as far towards triathlon as this one should take a clue from the title numerology. Connect those topical dots to finish with the bike leg distance of a half-ironman, I hear you say. Well, I love riding 56 hard miles and then seeing how long I can hold maximum run pace for another 13.1. In the sun. Drained. Sweaty, dirty, dog-tired and thrilled to be alive. Is that imagery enough for today? No way, more, I hear you plead.

Yesterday was a good one. Two indoor sessions, the first an interval set for 60 and the second, ten recovery hours later a 2x20 set at 90% of FTP. Man that felt good. Better yet was what happened after. As in nothing. No death-like symptoms, no chest pain, no dizzyness. I even had a couple of good dreams. Tell us about the dreams, you ask.

Alright. You know that for almost a year when I do sleep the dreams are dark, filled with enough anxiety to fill an Olympic pool. Foreboding and bleak. Grey as Seattle's winter skies. Bit last night (coming off the aforementioned sessions) I am walking along the path to my condo by the sea. It is sunset, warm and beautiful. The sexiness of Hawaii. I am walking behind a girl in a yellow bikini. She has long sandy-blond hair and a deep tan. I say hi. She turns and I immediately see pain in her big blue eyes. I ask what happened and as she is sharing the hurt she moves closer seeking physical comfort. Naturally I oblige. But as we are standing in embrace I notice people are watching. So I give her my room number (14) and walk away.

Once in my room (a mess) I get a knock on the door and it is another girl holding a huge softball trophy. She is elated, proud and wanting to celebrate her, and her team's victory. Before I can tell her that I am expecting company, she barges in and plants her sweet lips on mine with such beautiful intent that I cannot resist. Guess I am a sucker for gals in uniform.

In my dream I evoke the fourth estate and give the subconscious camera a wink, thinking, 'from famine to feast.'

Several sexual images ensue and I remember feeling a touch worried that I would soon be having to explain things.

Explain what, you ask?

I don't know. YOU TELL ME.

Lastly today, Day 56 you will recall, is this little spot I mashed up for Westside Pizza yesterday. Earn your Slice amigos.

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