Thursday, September 22, 2011

Popcorn at the Videos

How to Time Trial (with Christian Vande Velde)

Sacony Running

No Excuses

Macca wins Kona

Five videos designed to inspire, motivate or stimulate the gray matter into action. There are countless others but my surf time is limited these days. As demonstrated by last nights popcorn session and this mornings 0845 sub. BTW, for those of you scratching your head over my use of the fatty (with butter and salt) movie staple, please allow me to outline:

A popcorn session is simply a indoor cycling workout that turns the tables on convention, and hence, provides additional value, unique entertainment and a monster hour of cardio, speed and stamina. I Karate Kid a set (highlight last night was Lucinda Williams' "Are You Down", to which we sit for one tune at an ever increasing RPM at low resistance, and then stand for one tune (upcorn) to the time signature of the backbeat. One down fast, one up groove. The idea is to turn it around and make the seated effort the "work" phase and the stand the "recovery". Try this for 60 minutes next time you need a change of genera. I would post the set list like yesterday's All Country IV, but I indulged in an extra hour of sleep this morning and now need to Bruce Lee today's set. That extra hour brought resting HR to the standard of 44.

So get yourself some popcorn and enjoy the videos. This afternoon I will be doing a Jackie Chan spot for the CompuTrainer Multi-Rider Center at the BAC.

You get it all here folks: Martial Arts (as it applies to video editing and cutting set lists), junk food as metaphor, killer tuneage and fat-free indoor cycling. Oh yeah, and Lance.


ej said...

that popcorn spin workout is simple and effective. thanks coach.

KML5 said...

One thumb up?