Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Resolutions Called Virtues

As we head into the last two weeks of this incredible, unpredictable, joyously horrific roller-coaster of a year, I think it might be prudent to begin to formulate our resolutions for the start of the next one. And as luck, karma and the simple passage of time has it, this one will be the start of a new decade as well. WOW, let's make it count, shall we?

So I am taking this unique opportunity to launch yet another all new and officially exciting blog element. It doesn't have a generic name yet, but you can be sure that it already has an acronym. The initial post will give it away much like the kitty scrambling from the burlap sack.

Has to do with 2010 New Years Resolutions and getting the jump on it from your humble guide (the) RCVman. Henceforth, we give you five in each category for your consideration:

Relevant Contemporary Value

1) Add two hours a week to workout schedule.
2) Cut 50% of fat from diet.
3) Add a core routine.
4) Cut 50% sugar from diet.
5) Add yoga, pilates, meditation or community volunteerism.

Remember Classic Vicissitudes

1) Read War and Peace.
2) Listen (closely) to Bela Bartok
3) Watch A Lion in Winter
4) Visit the Smithsonian (again).
5) Smell more roses.

Renew Correct Viewpoints

1) Make your core feelings known in less bombastic, aggressive, or defensive mode.
2) Synergize mind, body, spirit.
3) Seek out the positive, the joyous, the good.
4) Work smarter (a lot smarter).
5) Empathize and forgive.

Reset Career Values

1) Set up a health insurance strategy.
2) Launch new web site.
3) Push new video.
4) Set up new studio.
5) Restructure business model as tax shelter.

Random Cosmic Volitions

1) Spread some love.
2) Push the creative imperative.
3) Wear another's moccasins.
4) Laugh at our comical plight.
5) Fight the good fight.

Resist Catastrophic Venalities

1) Do not lie to yourself.
2) Quit beating yourself up.
3) Be nice.
4) Sleep more.
5) Sing in the shower.

Recycle Comical Victories

1) Stay longer outside comfort zones.
2) Do not fear failure (anymore).
3) Laugh at yourself.
4) Laugh with others.
5) See down as up. Spill the wine. Cut the cheese.

And lastly,

Real Course Video

1) Tour de France.
2) Tour of California.
3) Gran Fondos.
4) Ironman Brazil.
5) USAT Masters.



Pix: From the NYC Triathlon (Rusty Chain View)


ej said...

Goal-setting. This is a great gift. Thanks. I'll start with the Contemporary values tomorrow.

KML5 said...

A Righteous Celebratory Validation, sir!