Friday, December 18, 2009

Hard Rock

Today's Two

I was heading North, driving in the rain as the day turned to night. From dark gray to deep slate. The headlights of oncoming vehicles reflected off the wet asphalt, splashing irritating prisms on the backs of both retinae. On the radio a jerk was telling me to hurry and buy some totally unnecessary crap. I allowed my mind to wander around the hard drive files looking for something interesting to ponder. It obliged, opening the one labeled, HARD ROCK. Hummmm, what's in here?

Chrissy Hynde.

Another sub-file.

The Pieta.
Granite Falls.


Going hard.
As in, all out.
Rockin' hard.

That's the one. Open file please.

1) When, during the course of your day do you have the incredible opportunity to go all out, to freely and unabashedly let yourself hit the red line? To visit Max?

2) How many times, during the course of that same 24 hour period, do we get to rock out, really let it go and let it flow, scream with primal passion and announce to the cosmos that we are here, it is now, and IT ROCKS?

At work? Don't think so. During your commute? You would get locked up. Surely at home then. No? You don't wear your HR monitor when doing dishes or give a rebel yell when dinner is done?

When, then?

Answer to Today's Two: When we work out. As most of you know by now, I am a big endorphin fan. I also like to go hard, push the limits and direct daily doses of comfort zone departures. I like the way my body feels when I ask it to go from auto pilot to full manual. From zero to sixty. From easy to hard. From soft rock to hard rock.

And then, I want to finish the experience with a verbal blast of encouragement, a toast to the cosmic powers that be, an affirmation of synergy between body and soul. I wanna rock.

There is a time and a place for classical music and walking barefoot in the park.
There is as well one for jazz and reading by fireside.
Ravel (and Santana) are great for lovemaking.

Once a day however, WE WILL GO HARD AND WE WILL ROCK.

Park car. Turn off lights. Close file.

Pix of The Pretenders from their cool web site. Hard Rock.

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