Friday, August 8, 2008

Customer Comments

A couple of months ago, we sent an e-mail questionnaire to everyone who had purchased a copy of the first two RCV releases, Kona and CdA. I had heard rumors of the results but never saw all the responses until yesterday. Lucy had printed them all and assembled in a classic three ring black binder. Roger, Ray and I were in debate as to the actual percentage of CT users who are triathletes (said to be a robust 95%) and so Roger presented the binder as exhibit A. I asked if I could borrow the collection and peruse, which I did on the boat ride home.

Here are a few unabashed samplings that I found most interesting and/or entertaining.

  • I used the video all winter, probably 30-40 times, it was definitely helpful to know the course. It definitely made it easier for me to train longer. - James C.
  • I loved it! It blew me away. It takes the boredom out of riding indoors. - Dennis C.
  • Love my CT! Only complaint is that when calibrated correctly the CT effort is 10-15 percent harder than the actual course. - Ron
  • Love it. Matter of fact, since I received a copy I have yet to ride any other course. It is a great product and I constantly badger my friends to purchase one because of how much fun it is. - Michael S.
  • Love the video and use it often! - John E.
  • My entire training was spent on the CompuTrainer. The RCVs made my indoor training much better. Keep up the good work. - A. Nichols
  • I got a very good understanding for the course feel, turns and areas for caution. - John C.
  • Overall. I love it. - David B.
  • I think it is great. - Tom G.
  • I am very pleased that RacerMate released this software. - Mike C.
  • Thanks for the GREATEST gift to cyclists from the Northern Hemisphere. - Sebastian B.
  • I raced at CdA last year when you filmed and it was a kick to ride and watch because it was like reliving the race. I even recognized a couple of the course workers up near that giant sun balloon and I think I can pick out my wife on the return trip to CdA. I use it all the time. - David K.
  • My observation is that it is pretty cool to race the actual course and keep focused. - George T.
  • Both my friend and I used the RCV and found it amazingly accurate and psychologically beneficial. - Joe R.
  • It is a fantastic product!!!!! - Thomas W.
  • My biggest surprise was how beautiful the CdA scenery was. I hope to order more videos in the future. - Lynn K.

I'll post more responses when we return from the Colorado trip. Until then RCV fans, ride hard and breathe deep.

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