Friday, April 25, 2008


Nails it. Your tax dollars at work in Iraq. Let's get out now. Stop loss. Cut the carnage. Stop the pols bullshit spin on democracy. Vote for whomever "pledges" to get us out the fastest, and take care of matters of Homeland Sanity.

This from USA Today this fine Friday morning: Military personnel who have yet to be accounted for:

  • WWII: 74,384
  • Korea: 8,178
  • Vietnam: 1,763
  • Cold War: 165
  • Iraq: 3
  • Gulf War: 1
A mind numbing 74K from the last 'good' war. This one is about oil. And God. It is about the god of oil. It is causing trickle down consequences of catastrophic proportions, as seen in the wisdom of the quote, "a hungry man is a dangerous man." And, my dear friends, the responsibility starts with us. We (OMG) are the people, as in "We the people". We elected the current regime to lead us thru these challenging and complex times. We have failed. They had ulterior motives and used us much like the wolf uses sheep. The 29% or so of apologist folks still in the flock (and still on the payroll) are saying that at least we have cheap wool and lanolin. BUT YOU'RE STILL SHEEP lamb chop. As Bill Maher so perfectly put the other night, if you had elected Colonel Sanders as president, do you think that the cost of a bucket or a barrel of KFC would go up? You elected an oilman, what did you expect?

Sorry to drag a bunch of innocent animals into this discussion. Hey, at least rice is cheap.

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