Thursday, April 24, 2008


Took advantage of my night off in Tampa to go see the new Al Pacino flick, 88 Minutes. I was the only one in the 'plex. I think there was a reason for that (and not because next door Horton was hatchng a Who). The reason is that this movie stinks, so I am giving you all notice up front, that if you MUST see it because you have seen everything else he has done, then wait a few weeks (days?) and put it in your Netflix queue. It pains me to say this for two reasons, 1) I love AP, 2) It is (somewhat) shot in Seattle. To Hollywood I guess Vangroovy, BC is close enough.

I have also taken editorial liberty to list my ten AP faves. So PLEASE rent one of the following if you haven't already seen them, because all of these are from 50 (Sea of Love) to Heat (1000) percent better than 88 Minutes. Trust me on this.

AP Top Ten

  1. HEAT
  2. Godfather II
  3. Scent of a Woman
  4. Donnie Brasco
  5. Godfather
  6. Scarface
  7. Glengarry Glenn Ross
  8. Godfather III
  9. Sea of Love
  10. Any Given Sunday

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