Monday, April 14, 2008



(Move me brightly)

Just a few of the many people that have provided me with inspiration. In no particular order. He was fond of saying that to get things accomplished, be they of the arts, labour, or love, one needs the proper combination of time, money and inspiration. Of the three, I'll take the latter, trusting that with enough, it will discover the ways and create the means.

Jerry Garcia
Rachel Carlson
Steve Prefontaine
Francis Ford Coppola
Scott Tinley
Lynn Brooks
John Lenon
Michelangelo Buonarotte
Dan Millman
Dalai Lama
Richard Bach

And every woman with whom I've shared an intimate and intensely inspiring portion of the path.

"I guess", he volunteered, "that's because it's motivational to have somebody to do things for, someone to show your work to when completed, someone with whom to share the inspiration of creation."

Inspiration, move me brightly, light the song with sense and color;
Hold away despair, more than this I will not ask.
Faced with mysteries dark and vast, statements just seem vain at last.
Some rise, some fall, some climb, to get to terrapin.

Counting stars by candlelight, all are dim but one is bright;
The spiral light of venus, rising first and shining best,
On, from the northwest corner, of a brand new crescent moon,
While crickets and cicadas sing, a rare and different tune,
Terrapin station.

"Is that love?" he again wondered.

Woodcut of Garcia by Tim Vincent of Cedar Eclips.
Terrapin Station lyrics by Robert Hunter, music by Jerry G.

"Can you hear it?" he asked, inspired.

Grateful Dead Lyrics

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