Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day twenty-six

I wish it did.

What is it this time?


You wish motivation did what?

No, I mean I wish money motivated me.

It doesn't?


Not at all?

Not in the least. I'd rather ride 100 miles on chip-seal.

You do recognize that in today's world it is has pretty much been judged a necessity.

Yes, it has.

Why then your insistence on ignoring that reality?

Dunno. It makes me feel dirty. Can't help it, and I have tried to alter my perception. It just doesn't fill my sails.

You won't fill your belly or gas tank either without any.

True. Alright, I'll get a job to have more money.


And then what?

What do you mean?

What do I do with the money?

Pay taxes and buy stuff of course, like everybody else. That doesn't motivate you?

I wish it did.

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