Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day Nine: Lemond to

Idiopathic is another way of saying "We don't know". There are a lot of things that we don't know. We don't know precisely why we are here. We don't know exactly who, or what is responsive for us being here. We don't know why, seemingly we are put here to face trauma, suffering and eventual death.

There are as many opinions and theories on this as there are fish in the sea. We just don't really know. Scientists guess and research, theologians ponder and hope, mechanics deconstruct and rebuild.

What we do know is that certain things make it easier to cope with our cosmic ignorance.

Eat good, ditch the processed crap asap.
Move your ass. Often and with vigor.
Manage stress. There is plenty to go around, no need to monopolize.
Give thanks that we know that some things we don't know, or,

Know the idio. Greg did and does. See for yourself.

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