Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day Twenty-one as Art

Examples of this are everywhere. Literally in front of us at all times. Waiting patiently for us to notice, in the sunshine or in the shadows. 

Did you ever see NIght at the Museum? Outside the camp and quirk is a fascinating hook; That statues, paintings and works of art could have Buddha nature. They might be self-aware. Given the gift by their creators. 

Imagine Mona Lisa hanging around all day patiently waiting for that one tourist from Arkansas to notice her mood.  Or David sucking his gut at the approach of a clowder of Asian girls. I once stood in awe of a life-size Vermeer in Amsterdam feeling the weary Prince's gaze following me through the room. His dog's too. Like the Prince wanted to share something.

Something important. Something personal. Maybe one whisper of crucial information necessary to keep me from what today, 500 years later, is a restoration project. 

Now I understand. 

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